Why haven’t I come across this before? I’m happily falling for your scam

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Beautiful post and reflections! Happiest birthday, Raju! May the year be full of joy, tenderness and morning pages :)

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Sep 22Liked by Raju Tai

Happy Birthday, Raju!

I love Julia Cameron and I love morning pages! I've been doing them for over a year myself, and fully see what you mean. In the middle of last year sometime though, I went into a bit of an unending doom loop - and it was LONG. Oddly enough, when the doom loop tires you, you actually end up taking action.

Thank you for the reminder! <3

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So kind of you, Raju, to spread joy on your birthday! I only try and grab gifts on mine😁 You have made such a good case that I might just fall for your scam😊❤️❤️🌈

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13 hrs agoLiked by Raju Tai

I did morning pages for year and a half and I resonate with everything you share here, Raju. It has taken me to parts of me I didn't know existed. It made me believe in magic. I keep going back to it but haven't been regular. Your post makes me want to go back to it again.

My little bit in sharing an experience - while doing morning pages I realized that fingers follow their own logic and chose what to write about. Often when I would start writing and would have thought of a sentence, my fingers would write something else and slowly I chose to give in to the wisdom of the fingers, it just felt truer and more fun!

Loads of love and a happy happy birthday !!

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First, a very happy extended birthday. Trust you had a fun day filled with creativity, awesome food, mast conversations, and everything that made you happy. Whenever I think of you, I think of art, words, stories, poetry, colour. I love this new scam of yours. Just finished writing my 'morning' pages so close to noon. After I attended your wonderful workshop, I've deleted the word 'morning' from my head. That's taken the pressure off. Now, it's just pages--anytime pages. While most of my pages are rants or resemble a 'how to be a better human' self-improvement manual, there are times when something comes up and gobsmacks me. I am learning to add doodles, colour and some meat to my pages but I don't intentionally set out to do so except for keeping some colour pencils or crayons handy. You never know what will sneak up and demand to be addressed.

Thanks for your lovely post. It will keep me going when I feel too lazy to write the pages, but yes, like you've suggested so kindly, I shall forgive myself if I skip.

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Happy Birthday Raju :) This technique sounds very interesting. Plan to try it. Do you also revisit your writing after a while? If yes, how does it help?

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Happy Birthday, Raju.

I am such an optimistic person in the morning that anything I write as morning pages , would be read by the evening me and I would either laugh like crazy or says “ Yeh kaun likh diya hai?”

But dekhte hain where this leads us.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Raju Tai

Happy Birthday, Raju 💛!

I know our catch up is long due, but, I read your emails regularly and they give just the right dose of inspiration each week. Talk more soon.

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Happy birthday, Raju!

I have been doing pages since 2017, your realisations are spot on. Of late I had stopped writing pages on weekends because i needed the rest. But today I felt drawn to them since I had spent the day fulfilling external demands and duties. I trudged through the pages at 10pm, felt good to have dumped my thoughts somewhere, and then I read this post. So much serendipity on your birthday! Hope you had a good one <3

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Sep 22Liked by Raju Tai

Happy birthday and many, many happy returns of the day! :)

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Happy birthday Raju Tai! ♥️

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Sep 22Liked by Raju Tai

Wow! I'm mighty inspired to do this after reading your post! I just got a copy of The Artist's Way but haven't started reading it yet. Maybe I should start both soon ^__^

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Sep 22Liked by Raju Tai

Raju, the last time you wrote about how the neglect of money was gendered, I got super serious about my investments and net worth. When you said calling yourself a writer made a difference to you, I joined the Ochre Sky classes. Now I will write morning pages. Thanks for being a gift on your birthday. Happiest Birthday to you.

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Sep 22Liked by Raju Tai

Happiest of birthdays to you!

I have worked my way through The Artist’s Way three times, with varying degrees of commitment to the MPs. When I loosened up as you describe here—allowing them to come at any time of day, to be stream-of-consciousness or a space to work out a particular “problem,” to be a quick note to self, a list, or a deep dive—I have fared the best. I so love what you say about letting life move through you! I feel healthiest and most vital when I keep up with my writing at least a little bit everyday. Thank you for sharing your reflections 💛

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Happy birthday Raju! here is to many more years of creative life finding expression through you.

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